Hello. Welcome. A special big hug and hello to Darnell who has joined my fantastic following. You gals are so great. Thanks you for your support and the love you leave. Big hugz all round.
I'm actually a little exhausted this evening after undertaking some unexpected sporting activities. Anyone who knows me knows I am more slow and steady than sporty, but one thing led to another and I ended up spending a rather frustrating time this evening chasing a sheep!! Oh yeah, it was a male sheep!! He's a new arrival and he decided to batter down the door and then run all over the place. With many humans in pursuit, just to keep it fun. Then more humans joined the game and in the end his downfall came due to an half grown orphan lamb who was in the right place at the right time. I'm going to give that lamb a treat tomorrow. Won't tell you what I think should happen to the ram, but it involves mint sauce!!! LOL.
As a consequence I am a little behind and really too tired to catch up tonight. But I thought I would share the start.
Claudine is running an altered playing card challenge. This afternoon I did manage to sit out in the sunshine and do the week 1 challenge which was to prep our playing cards with gesso
Here are my cards, scattered semi-artistically amid the Gentians. Gotta love that blue and these are hardy here in Norway. So pretty at this time of year. Oh, I was talking about the flowers not the cards. The cards are giant size. 9 x 14cm. In real money that's about 3.5" x 5.5". I think I bought them as a joke for the card sharps in the family, but they have just been left on the shelf, so I thought I would wheel them out for this challenge.
Most of the cards have ended up with simple brush strokes, some with better coverage than others
I tried some using the brush with a circular motion
I dabbed these with bubble wrap. I didn't do many of these because it didn't seem to make a good pattern but looking at them dry you can see the circle marks. Well I can LOL. It's quite difficult to photo just gesso, especially under artifical light.
I did quite a few by stippling heavily with the brush. There's good texture on these
These are selection of my favourites. I drew lines in the gesso using a spatula. Ziggy zaggy ziggy zaggy. OK, obviously the little grey cell is past it's bedtime.....
I'm joining these little beauties over at
Claudine's Art Corner. Only one week behind now. Well, until tomorrow when I think Claudine will be posting week 3!! Ah well, I'm sure I'll be all caught up soon.
Thanks for your visit. Hugz