
Sunday 11 December 2016

Y is for Yatzy

Hello.  Welcome.  I said to my man 'an English word starting with Y'.  He says 'yatzy'.  Is that English?  Whatever, it works for me.  So here's a giant altered playing card, yatzy style....

We recently inherited an old yatzy set so I grabbed an old score card and stuck it on my playing card.  I made the dice using a square Sizzix die and Cheery Lynn's BAF#3 embellishments for the flowers dots.   I made the definition on the computer cos my dictionary didn't have this one.  

Thanks for dropping by.  Hugz

Joining the fun at
The Craft Barn Alpha/Dictionary Challenge - Y


  1. Only a man... Original thought though. At first sight, the flowers actually look like dots!

  2. Great idea, I used to love playing Yartzy, can't remember how to spell it though.

  3. I'd never heard of yatzy (this challenge has been very educational) so will be looking up the rules. The flowers make perfect dots.

  4. Used to play Yatzy a lot back in the day. (Yahtzee according to the App) we just called it Poker Dice haha! Just wondering whatever happened to the leather cup ............. Good to see another new Y word. Thank you for entering the Craft Barn Challenge xx


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