
Monday 24 June 2013

Jingle Bells

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Hi followers and friends.  Please ignore the blurb above.  Something to do with blog lovin'!!  I am switching my blog list to there since google reader keeps disappearing and well......  Too technical for me actually.  If you would like to follow me still then I suggest subscribing by email or click on the blog lovin' follow button which hopefully has appeared in my sidebar. Not sure if I will be able to see who/how many are following then, I haven't been able to work out if people have subscribed by email!!  Maybe someone knows??

Anyway it's the time of the month for Christmas!  I have been joining in the Beat the Christmas Rush Challenge.  This time I was looking through my stash and found some tree aperture cards in green.  Perfect! 
Hunting through the stash I found some handmade paper so I tried this black and white stripes in the aperture.  OK, modern xmas tree!  I cut a Sizzix small original tree from some scrap, added some peeloff stickers from Craft Creations and a foiled die cut sentiment.   I'm going to enter this one over at Simon Says Stamp and Show where they are looking for stripes. 

Two more trees, a few beads pretending to be baubles on the first one.  
  A silver variation with just some silver ink smudges.  

Four more cards to add to the Christmas stash.  That's 17 now.  Not too shabby.  

Joining the fun over at

Thanks for dropping by.  Off to do a bit of gardening between the showers.


  1. Love the colour of the aperture cards and the papers used for the trees, great cards. It's hard to believe we are halfway through the year I will be starting my Christmas cards in September, aperture cards will certainly be on the list after seeing these.

    Sylv xx

  2. Great new cards to add to your holiday stash, Gail! What a great idea! Are you doing this on the 25th of each month (pardon me if I wasn't paying attention!)? Thanks for sharing both your cards and the idea!!

    1. Actually each month does run from the 25th. Duh, I hadn't noticed the significance there. Well done Kay

  3. Lovely cards. Thanks for joining us this month at Country View Challenges. Chris xxx

  4. Absolutely not shabby - a great total! Your cards are super. Thanks for joining in with Beat the Christmas Rush. :o)
    Sue x

  5. Wonderful Christmas cards! Love the trees and the different patterns you used. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!


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