
Thursday 27 June 2013

Anything? Really?

OMG you have got to try this, seriously, this is such fun.  What, oh yeah!!  Hello followers and friends.  Welcome.  But really, you have got to try this. 

Over at PaperArtsy Darcy is strutting her stuff and WOW.  Go check it out.  She made washi tape.  Yeah, so, I hear you say.  It looks pretty amazing but once you have a go......  I think it needs a government health warning on the chances of addiction.  The world will be covered in home made tape!!

OK, here's my first attempt.  I used, from the top, double sided tape, carpet tape, drafting tape, masking tape.  The double sided and the carpet tape have a layer of tissue applied on one side.  See Darcy's fab tutorial.  Then I painted and stamped.  Hee hee fun art!

This double sided tape is very thin.  Won't use this again.  I like the colours and the bottle from LPC001 looks great but had difficulty getting this off the mat in one piece after painting and stamping. 

The carpet tape is super thick double sided tape and it is excellent for this technique.  These are two of the panels from the carpet tape masterpiece.  Sorry but I just love this.   I painted this tape with dark blue and then brayered on some pale blue.  Then stamped LPC022 modern girl in black.  The brayer wasn't loaded evenly so I got this variation in colour and the white patch is where I got impatient and tried to play before the paint was dry and lifted a thumb load of paint and tissue off the tape. The original plan was to cut it into thin strips after so I had a strip of eyes and a strip of lips but I just love it too much.   Instead I looked around my craft room and decided it had to go above the door.  

Door jam art.  Fantastic.  I think I shall have to make a longer piece so it goes all the way across.  Over at Simon Says it's anything goes.  Really, even door jam art??  Well why not indeed.......

This old drafting tape has almost lost it's sticky but these two stamps from SIDD05 look great on the lilac.

On the masking tape I went orange and stamped a background using the two small stamps from LPC022.  Then I stamped modern girl again in black, thought that was too bold and used red instead.  That gave an almost ghostly effect.  Can you see her??  So cool. 

Thanks Darcy for this inspiration.  Such a fun technique.  I may be inspired to do a little decorating.....

Joining the fun at
Simon Says Stamps Challenge - Anything Goes 
Stampotique Designers Challenge 106 - New Adventures (never done this before, it was a great adventure)

Thanks for dropping by.  Do check out Darcy's tutorial.  Have a great day.  Off to make tape.........


  1. Fabulous tape, it shows you had a lot of fun creating it. Thanks for linking it to our Stampotique challenge this week.

  2. wow looks fab, never thought to use really wide tape and decorate my room with it. ooo the ideas now...

  3. This looks like a very fun idea. I will have to give it a try :) When I saw the post below this one, my first thought was, this girl doesn't post very often. Then I saw the date and see that you are on the ball and way ahead of the game. It's nice to have a stash of Christmas cards made and ready for the holidays. We do get very busy that time of year. I love your layered tree, that is very creative. I am your newest follower and I would be tickled pink if you would choose to follow me back. I love making new friends.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Connie :)

  4. It certainly is great fun and decidedly addictive. Your tapes look really interesting! I love the way you used the Lynne Perrella image. Julie Ann x

  5. I have not yet tried this, but am off to have a look at Darcy's tutorial! I am impressed that this is your first go at this...!!

  6. Great Idea.... And Super fun. Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us at Stampotique Designer's Challenge.

  7. You had a lot of fun! I love your blue tape too, great results.

  8. It looks fantastic! Great room art!!!
    Alison x

  9. Loving your tapes, I thought I'd come to see them earlier in the week... that blue wide tape is just wonderful!

  10. Wonderful project! What a great idea to make your own washi tape! Thanks for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!


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