
Saturday 6 July 2024

Say What

Hello Nomad friends.  I love a nice sale.  I often practice delayed gratification.  Jo, I can hear you laughing.  But sometimes you just gotta grab those new releases.  Waffle Flower has been all over the place with their postage series, and well done the little company for coming up with such a winner.  Then they came out with the seagulls and I couldn't resist.  The way they sold out lots of other people were in agreement.  So here's his first outing.  Expect more seagull scenes soon........

 Used lots of dies and scraps on this one.  Photobomb seagull!!!!

Hope this makes you smile.

Thanks for dropping by.  Hugz

Joining the fun at
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Stars and/or Stripes
Snippets Playground Challenge 483
Inspiration Station Challenge #63 inspired by blue sky, sand and palm trees
The Outlawz Festive Friday Challenge - At The Beach
The Outlawz Challenges July Linky


  1. Great "photobomb" seagull card. We get lots of them around here - they are a nuisance, BUT I love the one on your card!

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse later. xxx

  2. Brilliant card Gail! I was staying overnight in a Brighton hotel and heard tapping on my old fashioned 'sash style' window. And outside on the window ledge there was a baby seagull hoping for breakfast. So, I fed it my 'room complimentary' packet of shortbread biscuits. It obviously had its little locations worked out - actually a pretty little thing. Show me any creature in need or even hopefuland I'm a pushover - every time. Dudley knows this only too well!

    Di xx

  3. I agree that Photobomb Seagull is a winner...all he needs is a french fry in his mouth LOL Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at The Inspiration Station Challenge.
    Donna xx
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

  4. Love your seagull at the beach - I can just see him swooping down and stealing everyone's fish and chips. Thanks for playing along with us at Inspiration Station.

  5. This card just makes me smile - so happy, so fun! Thanks for joining our Festive Friday challenge


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