
Saturday 16 March 2019

Loons and Elephants

Hello.  Welcome.  Oh, the joys of midnight crafting Bwahahahaahahaa.  I have been following along with the Winnie and Walter Birthday Bash challenges and there are only two I haven't managed yet.  With the deadline looming I decided to have a go and see if I could rustle up a couple more ideas.   Idea 1 - Alter a stamped image with masking.  What a lark.  I may have made this much more difficult than needed.......

But worth the effort....

Take your stamp, in this case the elephant and monkey from Winnie and Walters Big Hugs set, and mask off the bit you don't want to stamp, before you ink the stamp. 

Stamp you image.  Voila, elephant without an ear.  

Mask the stamped image, not covering the missing ear of course.  Of course!!  Stamp the dog and cat and the sentiments from the Big Hugs set.  Colour with your medium of choice, in this case Promarkers, cut with Stamplorations double stitch rectangle die and mount on a dark grey card base,  

Thanks for dropping by.  Hugz

Joining the fun at
Winnie & Walter 5th Birthday Bash - Altering Stamped Images with Masking
Words 2 Craft By 63 - Happiness Held, Happiness Shared
Scrap From Your Heart Utfordring 31 - Clean and Simple
Papercraft Challenges Challenge 32 - Clean and Simple
Time Out Challenges 131 and 5th Birthday



  1. Gail, these little cuites are having some fun, all curled up! Super masking my friend and thanks for joining us at Time Out and all the support you give us x

  2. What an adorable bundle of critters! Thank you for joining us at W2CB!

  3. The critters are so cute! Thanks for joining us at Papercraft Challenge. Greetings Doris

  4. Iona, What a sweet card! I just love these masked critters. (The masking was definitely worth the extra effort.) Thanks for sharing a second card with us at Words 2 Craft By. :)

  5. Adorable! Thank you for joining us at Scrap from your heart! Hugs from DT Anita :-D

  6. Incredible job with the masking - it really makes the images seem like they were designed as one stamp! You coloured them beautifully as well. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Jill


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