
Sunday 12 June 2016

Alternative Dimension Mojo

Hello.  Welcome.  It seems my craft room has passed through Chaos and emerged into an Alternative Dimension where random pieces fall together and become ideas!!  I picked my way through the piles last night and it seemed everywhere the eye fell mojo was waiting.  Some stamp masks had fallen in a pile.  Stamp us they screamed, we want to be CAS.   I was putting away a few MDF pieces and they just went together so perfectly they never made it back in the box.   There's a little dog saying those PL papers that arrived Friday are just perfect and I really am trying to ignore the monkey!   And it's not even midnight!!!!  If you are experiencing mojo envy then I'm sorry, there just isn't room for all of us, but if you give me 24 hours notice then I can lock up the monkey. 

So I exercised some discipline and picked one idea to concentrate on.  It won cos it's a bit of a quirky thing.  Just perfect for crafting outside the space time continuum.  

Wot dat den??  I am calling it a plant label.  You heard of weed killer?  Well this one is for them Killer Weedz that you just can't seem to get rid of........

I used MDF elements from Things to Alter, a lolly stick, some large barbed wire and a concave diamond shape.  The skull is Kadoodles Skull and Swords stamp.  I stamped the skull on acetate with StazOn and then painted from the backside with acrylic paint.  I didn't have any cross bones so I wrote the sign and covered it with glossy accents.  Quite liking that font style.  Another gift from the other dimension.........

Thanks for dropping by.  Off to pull some pesky weeds.  Hugz

Joining the fun at
Lost Coast Portal to Creativity - Skellie-Fest
Lost Coast Portal to Creativity Challenge 25 - Use Something See Through acetate and glossy accents
Dream in Darkness - AG
Things to Alter June Challenge - AG
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Summer Garden


  1. Well this is certainly outside your "regular" box...and I Love it! Killer WEEDZ...brilliant! Isn't it crazy how our creative brains work? we can go weeks with no inspiration at all and then suddenly we are working on 10 things at the same time! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us

  2. You are a nutter, Gail, which is why we get on like a couple of mad frogs!! Your plant stick for the garden weedz has me laughing out loud and I'm not the least big envious of your mega-mojo! You go girl!! Enjoy every bit of it!! Hugs, Darnell

  3. Okay, this is cute! Maybe not the reaction you were going for but it brought a smile to my face. Call me twisted LOL.


  4. fab make Gail and love how you have used the barbed wire. Thank you for playing along with Things to Alter

  5. Great use of the barbed wire MDF - very effective with the red tips! x

  6. What a fantastic garden plant label... I'll have to rush home and make a few hundred for my gardens. Thanks for sharing it with Dream In Darkness

  7. This made me smile so much! And yes I am experiencing that mojo envy and might, just might tackle a few boxes waiting to be unpacked in my newly conquered craft room :) Thanks for playing with us at the Lost Coast Designs Portal to Creativity this month! Nan, DT

  8. How clever to use glossy accents for the see-through challenge. Fab plant label. Thanks for joining us at the Lost Coast Portal to Creativity :)

  9. Wicked cool!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Lost Coast Portal to Creativity! The WINNERS post is now up!

  10. hahah love this wicked plant stake! Great skull and so cool, glad you shared with us at Dream in Darkness!~kim

  11. Great combination off elements and love the inking and wicked sentiment. Thank you for playing with Dream In Darkness.


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