
Wednesday 28 October 2015


Hello.  Welcome.  A special hi to all you cat lovers.  I'm a definite fan, especially of our own cat.  She's a queen, 17 years old, still playing and drinking by dipping her paw and licking the water off.  She's got style.  

I have been unbelievable inspired by Janet's Cats Lovers Hop.  I think Mr Mojo is also a cat lover.   Here's another adorable little fur ball from my seemingly endless stash of cats.  I think they have been making kittens.......

How cool is this little lovely??  This is How Do I Love You? from Penny Black.  Just stamped and fussy cut.  The background is something I started the other day and abandoned.  About 5/8 of an inch in both directions bigger than an ATC covered in paper tape.  The letters were cut from DCWV Pets stack.  I likez this lots.  Wot U think?  

Thanks for dropping by.  Have you joined the cat lovers hop?  Janet, I don't think 5 days is long enough to get through all my stash......  Hugz

Joining the fun at
The Cat Lovers Hop
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes 
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Throwback  - Use an Animal


  1. Yep, I like it a lot! At first I thought it was a GIANT Penny Black, but it would look big on an ATC. hahaha. What a giggle you gave me... I think my cat stamps are having kittens, too! >^.^<

  2. aaaw look at his little boxer shorts!! LOL about mojo being a cat lover! So relate! And giggled at the thought of your cat stamps multiplying! This is a gorgeous card!

  3. I was thinking the same thing! Five days definitely not long enough! Very cute Penny Black cat - I don't have this one! There are so many cat stamps out there - I love to see them! This one is a cutie with her bloomers on! Adorable ATC!

  4. What fun to see all the cat lovers pulling out their kitty stash and having fun with it! This little guy looks like he knows how to have a good time !

  5. Oh! How cute it is! Love this Penny Black stamp and made me giggle!

  6. Excellent card! My cat Custard also drinks from his paw... Usually from the bird bath! Jo x

  7. Very cute! Love Penny Black stamps.

  8. What a wonderful card and I just adore your PB stamp. How cute :-)
    Nice to meet you on the Hop.

    IKE x

    My Challenge Blog
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  9. fabulous ATC :) i agree cats rock!! love all the embossing!!! thank you for playing along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!

  10. Love your beautiful creation! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  11. Love this wonderful image with the heart underwear!!! lol.... Great idea fussy cutting the letters from the Pets Stack. The letters look great with your taped background.

    Hahaha...your cat stamps making kittens!!! I think mine have been also, and here I thought my hubby had spayed and neutered all of them! :D

    I am also chuckling over your queen drinking water from her paw!! I have seen cats do that and I think it is hilarious. None of mine do it, but Aliyah does have to drink by licking the very edge of the bowl. Cats are so strange! lol....
    Thank you so much for linking up at the Cat Hop!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    CAT LOVERS HOP EXTENDED! Last day to LINK: Nov. 1. Last day to COMMENT: Nov. 3.!!!

  12. Very cute cat image. I like the story of how your cat drinks water.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com


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