
Saturday 3 October 2015

Hen Vs. Lawnmower

Hello.  Welcome.  Happy World Cardmaking Day.  What fun.  An extra excuse to craft.  And in the interests of WCMD I have decided to start the ball rolling with a non-card project!!  Go figure!!!!  But first, cos I know you love the wildlife, I thought I would share a picture of one of my hens having a bad feather day........

Poor thing.  No eggs for me.  Just enough feathers to stuff a pillow every night!  Looks more like a hedgehog than a hen!  It seems a lot of my old girls have decided to do a serious moult this year.  You should see the other end!  

I bought these cute little kraft pillow boxes a little while ago.  They are big enough for a gift card or maybe a delicate scarf, or a bit of jewelry.  Anyway I decided it would be a fun thing to decorate.  I wet the box and ran it through the bigshot with Cheery Lynn's Clocks embossing plate.  Then I smeared Walnut Stain distress ink all over.  

I Walnut Stained the back as well, but look, de-boss!!!  Who'd have guessed!  Actually, maybe this is the embossed side and the other is the debossed side.  Whatever, both decorated in one pass of the bigshot. 

I stamped Phineas Pinchbeck from the Artistic Stamper on a piece of Mudpuddle Bazzill, embossed with cobalt blue powder, soaked it in water, screwed it up and generally abused it, then cut it with Spellbinders Tombstone die.  It was a bit wide so I cut off both sides and added some walnut stain.  I cut two Cheery Lynn Pocket Watches from blue card and added it to the pilow box.  Then I added my distressed tag on top with a bit of twine.  The pocket watches are actually very close in colour to the embossed image but for some reason my camera has made them much brighter!!  Very strange.  

So if you have found any good places to play WCMD let me know.  I'm following along with Scrapbook and Cards Today where they have fun things happening every hour.  

My little pillow box is joining the fun at
Cheery Lynn Designs Challenge 204 - Anything Goes
The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Challenge - Clocks
VSC Challenge 36 - Tic Tac Toe people, vintage tones, twine
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes 
Papertake Weekly - Take Your Pick  embossing and distress inks

Thanks for dropping by.  Hugz


  1. I'm abstaining from challenges this month...sort of because I was chatting to some scrappy friends who seem to think there's NO WAY I can last a month! So I'm proving them wrong. But I didn't know it was World Card Making Day..... aaah well, looks like I"ll just have to come oooh and aaaah over your challenge entries! LOVE that blue and really think that embossing idea with the pillow boxes is GREAT!!!

  2. hello! what cute pillow boxes, luv the bright blue color, great gift card idea! so glad you played along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  3. Awwwww....poor old gal. When my white hen (named "White Hen" lol...) molted this year, she hid in the henhouse and hardly showed her comb outside. Now that she is sporting her bright and shiny new white plumage, she is back to her old self. Still hasn't started laying again, though. However, one of my new pullets has begun laying....which is fun for my little granddaughter.

    I totally love your pillow box! What a fabulous gift wrap idea!!! Love the blue with the vintage clocks.

    I haven't done a thing for WCMD yet, but I have my eye on the Winnie & Walter challenges! See ya there!!!!! :)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  4. Oh dear Gail, your hen looks rather like a few of ours who are also in the moult, strangely though they don;t seem to have gone off lay.

    Your pillow boxes look really good and how lovely to receive a gift in one of them.

    Many thanks for joining in at FlonzCraft Vintage Stamping Challenges this month.

    B x

  5. Gorgeous stamping and I love the vintage look to your make.
    Awww poor hen, she does look sorry for herself. thanks so much for joining us at Flonzcraft Vintage Stamping Challenges
    Claire xx

  6. Great pillow box and technique. Thanks for joining the Cheery Lynn Designs challenge

  7. Beautiful embossed effect in the background, love your pillow gift box. Thanks so much for joining us at Artistic stamper this month


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