
Tuesday 25 August 2015

It's an Emergency!! Get Ironing

Hello.  Welcome.  Yesterday disaster struck.  One minute my heat tool was working.  The next it wasn't.  I ran to my man with mournful countenance and, after major surgery, news came.  Dead :-(  But fixable :-)  I am relieved, but must be patient.  All you gals who are going, hey no biggy just go buy a new one, obviously don't live in a crafty desert, what like I do.   The nearest shop is a good distance away.  The chance is they might have one.  Possibly.  Definitely at a price that would make your toes curl!!  Due to the weight, and the time, getting one shipped from the UK is probably not a goer.  So I shall have to be patient.  

But of course, today I really wanted to emboss.  So, let's think back to old fashioned methods.  I considered using a light bulb.  I've done that in the past!  Then I realised that although low energy bulbs may be a technological advance, and may possibly even be helping us to save the planet, they give out very little heat, and are of limited use to a crafter in distress.  So, with no other alternative, I got out the iron!!  Actually, 99% of the time I use an iron is crafty time.  I am not a domestic goddess and have never understood the idea of spending hours flattening out clothes, when the minute you put them on they get creased anyway.   But today Mr Iron saved the day.  Hurrah

I saw some lovely cards yesterday by Leslie at Dies R Us that got me thinking.  I have used the number 4 sketch from this months Die-namites challenge and Die-namites Deer Birch Background die.  The base card is MME paper and the sentiment is from Rubber Dance Winter Wonderland stamp set.  I used pastel blue embossing powder and my iron.  It worked, slowly, whilst I worried that my card would start to burn.  But it seems my fears were unfounded.  Will be glad to have my trusty heat tool back though.

Joining the fun at
Die-Namites August Sketch Challenge
Dies R Us Challenge 31 - The Great Outdoors
August Rudolph Days Challenge
Winter Wonderland Challenge - Christmas Carols/Songs Walking in a Winter Wonderland
ABC Christmas Challenge - Q is for Quantum Leap  A for Antlers

Thanks for dropping by.  Off to do some more ironing LOL.  Hugz


  1. WOW! Good for you in coming up with an alternative solution to your dilemma! Your card is FABULOUS and yes Leslie's cards were quite inspirational ... thanks for mentioning that! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘THE GREAT OUTDOORS’ challenge at Dies R Us! Please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Blog Leader)

  2. Well done for improvised heat tool! The results look great :-)


  3. Great card especially as it was made under stress, have you thought of moving house? lol

    Kath x

  4. Your improvisation worked well Gail, this looks fab. Carol x

  5. What a great card...a card born of ingenuity!
    I have used my toaster as an embossing heat source in the past...teehee

    Wonderful card with a lovely dry .embossed EF too. Thanks for taking part in the August Rudolph Days Challenge./

  6. You've created a gorgeous card.....I used to use my toaster!!!!! That worked, but I bet not as well as the heat from an iron. I hope your man can get it fixed must have been devastated. GLAD it can be fixed!!!

  7. Your determination has paid off, your card is beautiful! When my heat tool broke, I used the toaster - hold it over the top and keep the handle down to keep it heating up until the embossing is "cooked". However I did it with no bread in the toaster and my toaster overheated and burned out. Next time I try that, I'll do it at breakfast time!
    I'm with you on only ironing for craft purposes. In face I get OH's shirts done by an ironing lady and one day she was horrified to see that, despite being a non-ironer, I won TWO ironing boards. I had to explain that one is for inky, waxy, messy jobs and the other for clean, dry ones.

  8. Clever you, Gail, using your iron to emboss, and the result is fab.

    Thank you for joining us at Winter Wonderland for our Christmas Carols/songs challenge, and good luck in the draw.

    Jennifer. x

  9. Great job, Gail. This summer was so hot, that I actually considered putting a card to be heat embossed on the dashboard of the car to see if the powder would melt. Never did it, but we had a few days (before it got smoky) where the rays were really hot.
    Really love your beautiful card!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  10. What a lovely card, Gail! Love that background with the deer!
    Sorry to hear your heat tool took an early retirement... hopefully your hubby has fixed it by now. I used a toaster way back in the days before I got a heat gun. Worked great, just took more time ... I agree with you, an iron belongs in the craft room! ;) Thank you for using my Winter Wonderland stamp. Looks great!

  11. Wonderful card!
    Thanks for playing at the ABC Christmas Challenge!
    Helen x


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