
Sunday 1 February 2015

Just Sharing With Friends

Hello.  Welcome.  Have you checked out the Crafty Individuals Challenge this month?  The theme is Scenic Stamping and the entries are amazing.  I must admit when I saw the theme my heart dropped because this is something I don't do!!  Then I saw the first entry which Rosie posted and I knew I was lost.  But you have to try don't you??  I mean, if we only do what we are good at then how will we improve and grow?  So I tried.  Then I tried again.  And again.  And, I'm not joking, I have a pile of papers covered in really bad scenes that don't work.  I was thinking of giving up.  I made scenes with flowers.  I have sea scenes.  Scenes with turtles.  Lots of turtles.  Too many turtles.  So many turtles there is no room for the scene.  I was frustrated.  Covered in ink.  Running out of ideas and patience.  Arrrrrgggggggg.   

I was in two minds whether to share this but, since I am amongst friends, I feel you will be polite enough not to laugh.  At least you have the option to not leave a comment.  Don't feel you have to, just to be polite.  I must admit, scene is maybe a stretch of the descriptive but I like the final result.  I am trying to decide whether to share the before version.......   

OK, OK, you can stop laughing now.  A penguin standing on a rock watching a butterfly.  A scene?  Maybe it is.  Not a grand scene.  But a scene.  All the stamps are Crafty Individuals.  I used 2 Penguin, just the one here, the turtle from A Bright Future is pretending to be a rock, the butterfly and sentiment are from Butterfly Mornings and Wildflower Afternoons and the flower is from Build a Meadow ( it was on my desk cos I had tried to build a meadow ROFL).  I coloured with distress stains, Mustard Seed, Milled Lavender and the other one.  I mounted in a trifold aperture card and fussy cut the butterfly.  Then I thought it looked a bit bare so I did some lines around and around and around.  I think it's an improvement LOL.  

Joining the fun at
Crafty Individuals Challenge - Scenic Stamping
7 Kids Challenge 118 - Anything Goes 
Allsorts Challenge Week 296 - Flower Power

Thanks for dropping by.  Do check out the other entries in the CI challenge.  My penguin is in illustrious company bwahahahahahahaha.  Hugz 


  1. Cool design! Love the pastel shades

  2. Hmmm... It works for me as a scene bar the daisies in the sky. The turtle as rock is genius though and it still makes a lovely card!

  3. This is certainly a great scene Gail and why not have a penguin and a butterfly! All is correct in art and glad you made the link just in time. Thanks for joining in, I'm delighted you did xx

  4. I also want to tell you that I love the colors you have used!!! And regarding the butterfly, with Alice Palace stamps, we have all the rights I think lol! :D xxx

  5. Oooh... I don't see my first message Gail?... I told you that I was about mailing to Jean my top 5, when I checked for the last time if there was no more entries… and oh, there was yours, like a beautiful gift ! :D
    I will certainly not laugh at all (Hahaha, that’s just your words in your post that made me smile, it’s so funny), your scene is so cute, simply adorable. Thanks SO MUCH for joinig in my Scenic Stamping at the last minute, I'm thrilled you did. Coco xx

  6. lovely card.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts 'Flower Power' challenge this week and good luck x Susan x

  7. Very creative! Thank you for playing in our challenge at


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