
Friday 5 December 2014

Poor Morris

Hello.  Welcome.  I decided to try a technique I have been avoiding because of the safety issues.  Now I realise that unlike me most people don't go through life automatically risk assessing every situation.  My goodness, I sound like I am paranoid or something.  It's not that, it's just that I look at a piece of wood with nails in and think 'someones going to step on that', so I turn it over.  Or I see a hole and think' someone's going to put their foot in that', so I'll maybe kick some stones or soil in it.  Or if the hole is big enough 'a small child could fall down there'.  Or a guy on a cycle with his dog running alongside, 'hope the dog doesn't see a cat'.  'A cat up a tree'. 

I went on a course once to do risk assessment, and I was hopeless at it, because of course 3 men on a ladder is a silly idea, and those two carrying that pane of glass around the corner are going to meet that bloke walking the other way, and that bucket of paint is going to fall off that ladder onto the other blokes head, and that's a really bad place to park your elephant, and so on.  But that's just common sense isn't it??  So when I saw the challenge at Marks Finest papers was use bleach I had immediate thoughts of a child sucking my bleached card, or it falling into the goldfish bowl and killing Morris, and other such dramas.  Ah. well......

So I stamped DRS Interlocking Squares onto brown card and embossed with Enchanted gold embossing powder.  This is a holographic powder in that when you heat it a bit more it starts to change colour, hence the purple highlights.  It also has glitter in it for added bling.  

Then I added my bleach  Wow, that's a very pretty effect.  But because I still have misgivings about Morris I then washed my piece of card.  When I say washed I mean lots of water, soaked it.  It dried fine.  My only regret is that I didn't do more stamping cos I don't have a very big area.  So I cut it with my Sizzix ATC die.  

I added a stamped image from Panduro Girls set.  The rose is a Hero Arts stamp.  I coloured with sharpies and added Wink of Stella clear on the rose and her clothes. 

Joining the fun at
Speedy Fox and Friends Challenge 240 - Use Bleach
DRS Designs Challenge 151 - Glitter
Stampinback December Challenge - Shapes 
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes 

Thanks for your visit.  Be safe.  Don't run with scissors and watch out for sharp paper edges.  Hugz


  1. Terrific and I am glad you survived to share it with us at MFP SF&F............Lis

  2. Great card. Love your background. Thanks for joining the DRS designs challenge.

  3. Thank you for sharing your artwork with us at the Stampinback Challenge.


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