
Thursday 2 October 2014

If The Ten Of Spades Is Yellow What Colour Is The Two Of Hearts

Hello.  Welcome. Our new router arrived today.  Hurrah.  It didn't work.  Boo.  Turns out it wasn't only the router but also the phone line got fried by lightning.  Luckily the menfolk were handy to fix it up.  I'm not sure it's all functioning but I don't care as long as I can get online again.  It was very frustrating.  I have become so used to 'just checking this or that'.  I am sure I could survive without but it is a lot of fun with LOL. 

I am playing along with Claudine's Altered Playing Card Challenge.  This is such fun and I am sure it's not too late to start.  Come on, dig out those old scruffy cards and make them beautiful.  Actually I am having almost as much fun looking at what people are doing as doing my own set LOL.  I have decided to try and follow Claudine's cards as much as possible.  If left to my own devices I am sure I will end up with everything blue and filled with bunnies ROFL.  I have also decided NOT to purchase items I don't have but to use alternates in my huge stash.  This is of course subjects to change!!  Bwahahahahahahahaha. 

This is two for one as I am catching up so here's Claudine's Week 3 cards.  And here's mine......

CARD 3 My alcohol ink background using Slate, Ginger, Caramel and Mushroom.  It was too yuk so I added some Bottle to lift the colours.  I decided this looked Autumny so I switched the finishing touches...

Birds, leaves and letters all Sizzix cuts.  I added distress inks to the leaves for extra colour.  

CARD 4  I used DI Dried Marigold and Scattered Straw and Vintage Photo round the edges.  I stamped with Memento London Fog and something blue.  Stamps from unknown sources

Sizzix gears and Cheery Lynn steampunk hearts and compass dies. 

WEEK 4  Caudine's Week 4 cards  and mine........

CARD 5  I used Fresco Finish Rose and Pansy paint, some tissue I stamped myself and then doodled.  Ooh, I don't like them doodles

I cut clouds from DCWV paper, also the plane and the sentiment.  Covered up that ugly doodle nicely LOL.  The 'house' and bird are PaperArtsy stamps coloured with fresco finish paint and glitter glue.  I used Stampotiques Rabbit and some DCWV wallpaper.  The lower doodle looked like a fence so I added one the other side as well LOL.

CARD 6 Green and yellow acrylic paint with some paper tape at the bottom and a doodled border.  I liked that one Claudine. 

The girl is a Docrafts embossing folder, coloured with DI and cut out.  The words are a favourite sentiment written by me.  I did try to outline in white but the gelly roll didn't like the acrylic base!!  

I did take pictures of the paired cards, but paired them wrong!! so may add those again later.  So much to do to catch up with everything I missed the last few days.  Thanks for all your kind comments and support.   Back soon with more cards cos it's a new week and Claudine has a new set for out joy and delight.  Hugz


  1. WOW. You were busy. A VERY creative collection. Like all of them. Great job. - Jim

  2. Ooooo! I really like the steampunk gears and hearts card! Your color combos are spot on.

  3. Wow, nicely done. I love the way they all turned out.

  4. Fabulous job catching up, 4 gorgeous APC's! Some fab stamping and colour play.

    Decided to try and do more like Claudines cards each week as her style is so different to anything i might attempt.

    Using my stash also, great opportunity to use up stash. Thank you for your lovely comments and hugz, all are much appreciated.

    Thought it would be a good idea to add other non FB users links as they might not get as much love as those on FB. Will try and add every few weeks. Would be good if we all tried.

    Thank you lovely lady:-) xxx

  5. These are all stunning, but when I got to the last one, your quote really made me smile!

    Like you, I am on a buying diet and hope only to use items in my stash.

    Looking forward to your next set!

  6. What a plethora of wonderful playing cards. So glad you are back online, especially after all your lightening woes.

    Those steampunk hearts made me smile. They fit so well with what Claudine made, only I like your hearts better than cogs.

    I got a laugh out of your buy shoes card. You did a fantastic job catching up. I look forward to seeing what you create next.


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