
Thursday 9 October 2014

Clip Art

Hello.  Welcome.  In case you missed it, where have you been??, I am playing along with Claudine's Altered Playing Card Challenge.  This is my week 5 post.  For Claudine's version of these cards go HERE.  I am still a week behind but paddling fast.  Let's start off with a view of my crafty space where all my mojo gets turned into art.......

OK, I admit I tidied up cos I knew you were coming.  Not only for your sake but also for mine.  It was getting where I put something down and it magically vanished into the background and I spent 5 minutes hunting for it only to see it laughing at me from behind the toothpicks.  I also set out some of the items I intend to use for my next two APC's, which include 2 pre-gesso'd cards and a book of vintage photos.  This is one called 1900's Getty Images and I picked it up real cheap just so I could rip it up, which goes against all deeply held principles.  Today I ripped with abandon.   Also some paints, inks, scrap papers, stamps, for use of and also a few that have been used on recent card projects,  and a lot of other 'schtuff'.  I'm going to share this photo over at Winnie & Walter WCMD 2014 Craftie

Card 7  I started by painting my bg with Fresco Finish Rose.  Claudine used a stencil which I didn't have so I made my own using a piece of card and circle dies.  Then I added Fresco Finish Limelight and dark green acrylic.  I loved this.  But Claudine went further so I added black acrylic and some black and white doodles.  I loved this.   But art demands we continue on.  

I fussy cut the lady from the book, added a tint of VersaMagic Tea Leaves chalk ink and a stamped sentiment using a PaperArtsy stamp.  Guess what?  I love this LOL

Card 8 I made my background using patterned and plain papers, some book paper and some thin corrugated card which already had some white paint on it.  I went over everything with VersaMagic Gingerbread and Jumbo Java and then round the edges with Walnut Stain.  I stamped some numbers and some text, cos Claudine did.  Big apologies, I got carried away with the construction and didn't take a photo of the background.  A bit sad cos I was quite pleased with it.  So here's the finished card

Are you laughing yet??  I cut the boy from the book.  Claudine used a stamp for one of her cards but I couldn't find one I liked and both these images were fun.  The raven is a sizzix die and I also stamped some text on it.  The 'laugh' is from Unity Stamps Time to Laugh Flower set.  I'm linking this card up with the Stampotique Designers Challenge 168 where the theme is book text

Here's the pair.  I am liking these a lot.  If you remember I am working on giant cards, 9x14cm, which give me plenty art room.  Having a blast.  Cheers Claudine.  

Thanks for your visit.  Off to feed the hungry bunnies and smoke bomb the chicken LOL.  But really, I am going to smoke the birds.  It's therapeutic.  Herbal smoke to get rid of bugs and help clear the bronchials.  If you are a bird that is.   Take care.  Hugz

Just found out Kay is giving away a Stampotique stamp.  Yeah Kay.  Check it out HERE 


  1. I like both of your APC's but the one with the book text is my favourite. Thanks for playing along with my challenge this week !
    Corrie x

  2. They're both beautiful Gail!
    Thanks for joining us at the Stampotique Designers Challenge :)

    xx Arwen

  3. Ooooh, Iona, these are FANTASTIC! Thanks for the great description of your process... I WANNA PLASAY, grin

  4. These are both gorgeous! Thanks for joining us again this week at Stampotique.

  5. Both of these are fabulous and I'm so glad that I don't have to choose a favorite, though I'm kind of partial to the green circles on rose with black with that wonderful woman image.

    I also like the boy and the raven and the card's background, which is why I couldn't decide.

    In any case, thanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges!

  6. Both ATCs are great, Gail, but, since I am partial to book text, I will vote #2! I will be playing catch-up on Claudine's class the next few weeks, as I was away for a week, then under the weather for the week. Thanks for playing along with the "book text" challenge on Stampotique Designers' Challenge and also for the plug for my October GIVEAWAY!!


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