
Sunday 13 July 2014

Game On

Hello.  Welcome.  An extra special Hi to LaVon who has joined our merry little following.  So glad to have you along.  Despite the simple appearance of this ATC it did take a lot longer than it should of to put together.   I'm admitting this cos it sometimes seems that people throw 50 elements at the page and they all fall in perfect order and a wonderful project is born.  If you are one of those lucky people for whom design comes easy I am glad for you, and a little bit jealous.  

Over at Wicked Wednesday the theme was clouds.  The tricky bit came when I wanted to cover The Craft Barn Q&L challenge.  Not so much space on an ATC so I needed a quote that fitted, both the theme and the space.  I think I like the result.  Always nice to get out of the comfort zone. 

I used two Memory Box dies, Calm Countryside and Golf Club Landscape and pink and white card.  The quote is by the French Novelist Anatole France.  There wasn't space to write her name as well but I am starting to think it's a bit like the three monkeys and the typewriters.  Have I said this before??  Anyway, the theory was, now disproved, although how you prove or disprove this I do wonder!!!  Oh yes, the theory was that if you gave three monkeys, probably the three wise monkeys, typewriters and enough time they would eventually write the bible.  I think that must have been a bloke that thought that one up.  A woman wouldn't even waste time formulating such a stupid idea, or even wondering at the possibility.  The reason I mention this is because I am fairly sure that anything we say has already been said so either it's all quotes, or it's all new.  I mean, if someone said it already am I in breach of copywrite when I talk!!!  It's enough to make the midnight brain cell roll it's eyes in exasperation.

I was going to delete all that nonsense but maybe someone will agree, or disagree.  Maybe it will at least generate a comment or two.  Just in case the art doesn't.  LOL  ROFL  Oooof!

Joining the fun at
The Craft Barn Q&L Challenge - Path / Horizon
Wicked Wednesday ATC Challenge 144 - Clouds
7 Kids Challenge 103 - Anything Goes 

Thanks for dropping by.  Hugs.  Oh, Teddy says thanks for all the lovely comments.  Although we mustn't let stardom go to his head.  Even as cute as that is. 


  1. Well i just have to post a comment now. the ATC is fab and meets the briefs of both the challenges very well. The pink is very vibrant. lol. Glad to know there are others out in the world who have these midnight brain conversations on the workings of human peculiarities. Quite agree a man came up with the notion, tested it and disproved it and probably even cared about the answer. Hope you generate a few more comments.

  2. May I say excellent choice of quote ! Great minds think alike...
    And yes I think a lot has been said before and original, new, ideas must be few and far between !

  3. Gail, you have made my brain brain cells do a happy dance this beautiful Sunday morning! I have used a few of my own original quotes on pieces of art which I created, and have often wondered if anyone else ever uttered those same words, did they credit me with a quote? And, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter? I think not! Now, to your ATC. I love the pink--not an easy color for me to use, but you have done so perfectly in this small space. Awesome clouds, too. But that quote, regardless of its origin, is perfect.

  4. Well you made Kay smile in her morning, and you have made me smile in my evening :D The quote thingy is always a tricky one, but again, does it really matter. Your ATC is very striking with its vibrant pink and I really like the trees and clouds. As for the quote, to quote Kay, 'regardless of its origin, is perfect'
    Lolol Have a great week ahead :D

  5. Your ATC is perfect for this week's cloud challenge and for feeling "challenged" on creating did a fabulous job. I don't think these come together easy for most...only a few lucky ones.
    Thanks for taking the time and joining us this week at Wicked Wednesday.

  6. Love your ATC! It's gorgeous! Thank you for playing along in our challenge at Hugs, Rosie

  7. Finding short quotes to fit an atc is a challenge on its own! You have risen to the challenge perfectly.

  8. Very striking ATC with a fabulous quote. Lost my way with the Craft Barn Challenge, life has become much too busy!

    Sylv xx


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