
Friday 21 February 2014

Trainee DG

Hello.  Welcome.  Woke up a bit early this morning all overcome with delusions of being a Domestic Goddess.  Decided to make school buns (that's sweet bread with vanilla cream, icing and coconut on top).  Then decided we needed chocolate cookies as well.  Why not?  Why not?  Because I want to play with my art journal page I started in response to Darcy's post here.    I've been doing a bit but dithering as well in the hopes the new stamps I ordered might have made it, but alas......   And then I checked the post and realised I only have a few hours to get from sanded layers to somewhat complete!!!   And I got to watch the cookies!!!!!!   Obviously I only make trainee Domestic Goddess.

Just to let you know I have none of the stamps Darcy used and very few of the paints, oh yeah, no grunge paste either.  I am convinced this would have been better if I had had the same products but use the stash is my aim for the year and I'm sure this project entitles me to purchase some of the new limited edition fresco paints LOL.  I started with a spiral bound AJ I have, pages 22 x 31cm.  Not sure if that's a standard or just some wild and wacky size.  I took it apart to worked on the page as I wasn't sure how it would stand up to all the paint and sanding.  Here's the result of using masking tape, applying tinted texture paste and stamping in it.  Nice.  Stamps are PaperArtsy from SM12 and USFD3.

14 layers of paint says Darcy.  Now why would I need 14 layers??  Oh, wow.  Here's my approximation of Darcy's colours with my bog standard acrylics, although I did go a bit mad orange and ochre on my bright layer.  I've done some sanding, middling to successful and also tried the mask behind the paper technique.  On this picture that's most visible on the RHS and top left.  I used punchinella behind my page and must admit was pleasantly surprised with the result.  My texture squares, ok almost squares, got a bit flattened in the joy of the process.  

Close up of the stencil texture rubbed through from behind

My favourite corner.  Not only are these colours gorgeous but the texture here is fantastic, like an old plaster wall all rough and flaky.  All those paint layers work fantastically.

Darcy used her fab new stamp borders.  They are top of the wish list (wish, wish, everything crossed) and a lovely girl silhouette.  Loved the black and the pop of colour.  These cute Signature Dies duckling border dies arrived from Joanna Sheen yesterday and I decided to use them here.  I drew a wiggly border with a black galaxy marker to join the elements.  Then I was thinking of doing some tangles but loved Darcy's pop of colour so grabbed the fresco finish limelight and filled in the bits.  Then I decided it needed a similar border at the top.  Then I hit the wall and as much as I hate to post a not totally finished project I would hate more to rush and add something I later regret.  So that's it folks.  Darcy will be posting the next in this series soon and maybe it will give me the ideas I need to complete this as well.  Or maybe it needs to just sit a while. 

My AJ page joining the fun at
PaperArtsy - Darcy Journalling Month 1
Country View Challenge 12 - Painty Pleasures 

Thanks for dropping by and for your comments.  It did make me laugh that on my last post the new work bench made by my man got more comments than my card.  I agree, it definitely was the more important piece of art in that post and I am making good use of it.   Take care.   Off to knock up a chicken biryani to keep the builder of workbenches happy.  Never know, might be needing some new shelves LOL.  


  1. Fabulous page. I am so impressed with your techniques. That is what it is all about, not the products. Love your ducklings. New page will be on the blog tomorrow. It's a monster post with loads of techniques.

  2. Yummy colours and textures Gail, Jo x

  3. Hi, Gail! I checked out Darcy's work on Paper Artsy (impressive!), and you have not fallen far from her tree! But, indeed, have created something all your own. So much better than just "copying" another artist's work. Great techniques for creating background texture and interest. Love it!

  4. great painty layers x thanks for joining us at Country View Crafts challenege this month x trace x

  5. Wow absolutely gorgeous painty journal and I'm sure inspiration to finish it will come soon, that's the best thing about journals. I love the border, it's fab. I would have loved to have been in your house this morning with all the beautiful smells lol, it all sounds yummy. Kezzy :-) xxx


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