
Sunday 23 February 2014

It's All In The Technique

Hello.  Welcome.  I should have been crafting.   OK I probably should have been doing something else very mundane, but instead I did a little retail therapy a la net.  I recommend it on a wet Sunday afternoon, especially if you are lucky enough to get some bargains.  Well, they felt like bargains when I put them in the shopping cart.  Hopefully they will still feel like bargains when then arrive and I unpack them.  I do occasionally unpack my little crafty packages and think "Why did I order That??".  Is it just me????

Inspired by Ellen Vargo over at PaperArtsy I really wanted to have try some of her bold collaged ideas.  Darcy made a comment on my AJ post, hi Darcy, that it's the technique not the products, so I decided to have a go after a root through the stash. 

I started by brayering fresco finish Limelight and Butternut on a piece of card.  Then I grabbed a couple of shades of yellow.  I loved the citrussy mix but decided to add orange and ocher as well.  I love how the limelight seems to give a lovely glow in the background.  Quite wonderful. 

I cut up my brayer card and stamped in DI Barn Door using stamps from PaperArtsy Kids Plate 3, USFD1, SIBM4 and LPC003. 

I didn't know deli-paper that Ellen referred to but figured it was maybe translucent or semi-translucent.  I decided to search through the inked scraps box and see if there was anything suitable.  I found a piece of white paper I had covered in sentiments and decided to brayer it with a thin coat of ochre.  Whilst having a moment of brayer wild abandon my brayer fell apart!  pause, mouth open, huh!, uhhhh.... We can rebuild it? we have the technology?  I hope.  Yep, up and brayering again.  Gosh, big sigh of relief. 

Then I doodled

and doodled

and doodled.  A pile of upside down skateboards maybe??

and doodled.

Joining the fun at
Country View Challenge 12 - Painty Pleasures 

Thanks for your visit.  Hope you are having a creative weekend.  Hugs


  1. I never regret my crafty purchases as such, especially if they feel like a bargain but I do feel guilty afterwards when I realise I have yet again blown my budget!
    Brilliant doodles, they must have taken a long time to make!

  2. *waves*

    perfect! Our aim is to help with the techniques that you can then use in all your future projects,with any of our stamps. of course some work better for certain projects than others, but basically if you have the techniques you can fly!

    ..and you did , awesome pieces.

  3. Love how you have used what you have in your stash to create these. I know what you mean about when something arrives and you don't know why you have brought it - Have done this on more than one occassion.


  4. I definitely agree that it's definitely the technique and not the products or the use of a particular stamp. You have made that clear here, Gail! Love it!

  5. Love the background, and how you've made many things from it! These stamps are so fun and tribal feeling!

  6. Wow wow wow absolutely stunning, I can't believe you doodled all of it, your doodling is awesome :-) Kezzy xxx


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