
Friday 27 December 2013

Having an Ohhh! Moment

Hello.  Welcome.  There you are.  How's things?  Recovered from the turkey/pork/beef/goose/nut-loaf overload?  I love that aspect of Christmas.  Oh, not the eating til you can't move.  Just the food.  All the special little extras and the snacks and treats that we just don't bother with most of the year.  The social aspect of preparing a fantastic meal and enjoying it with family and friends.  That rates right up there as one of my favourite things to do. 

Have been housebound again today.  Yesterday was dry and sunny.  Now that's a rare thing!  I was out in the garden pottering around.  I let the chickens out and they had a great time.  I cleared some pots from the greenhouse and dumped all the nice dry soil in a pile.  Oh, chicken bliss!  Bath time.  It's amazing how fast they seized the opportunity.   Alas today is grey and very wet with occasional hail.  Big sigh.  At least it's not cold.  Be thankful and take the chance to craft.  There are a couple of challenges I decided to concentrate on today so I having been doing a bit of one and then a bit of the other.  Here's the first to the post......

Over at PaperArtsy I was really taken by Jo Myhill's third project this week.   I loved how she used the tags and the bird so I grabbed some tags and dry brushed some Fresco Finish Rose onto them.  These were thick handmade paper, the stuff that feels a bit soft and felty, so they had some interesting texture.  Not sure about other colours so I moved on to the next element. 

I decided to used my PaperArtsy Dragonfly die.  I cut 6 layers, glued them together, painted with a base of Butternut then added some Pansy and Rose.  It was a bit muddy so I stippled on some more Rose.  Luverly.  I stamped the letter text from LPC003 in VersaMagic Perfect Plumeria and clear embossed.  Then I went around the edge with the same ink and clear embossed that as well.  Now I've got a lovely sturdy embellishment.  Then I started playing around with my tags and other bits and had an Oh! moment.  The dragonfly looked lovely on a single tag so that's what I ended up with.

I layered some lace, crunchy wax paper and some twine and then did some very childish cross-stitches.  I did think about getting Scary Monster out but felt the job might be a bit thick for him to cope with.  After a relaxing day didn't feel the need to be stressed by the antics of SM.

I added the dragonfly and some twine from a pack by Basic Grey called Urban Prairie.  A lovely mix of colours and fluffy nonsense. 

Love the dragonfly.  Also very pleased because I have decided when starting a project to go to the scrap boxes (yes, plural) and use from there first.  The card for the dragonfly and the other bits I stitched on were all scrapbox finds so I am a very happy bunny.  My motto for the new year is 'Use scraps, make space, buy stuff'  Hee hee.  

My tag is joining the fun at

Thanks for your visit.  Leave a comment so I know you was here.  Soon the New Year.....


  1. Love the colour on the tag and dragonfly, the lime fibres really make it pop. And yes I'm trying to use all my scraps as well! Jo xx

  2. ooo well done on using scraps, I always go to my scrap boxes...yes plural lol .. first. A few years ago I was just overwhelmed by how many scraps I had, so I cleared a lot out, gave a lot away and make an effort to use the rest. You are right, it does feel good to use them.

  3. Beautifully tactile tags.

    Thanks so much for joining in and sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenge this month.

    B x

  4. wow, that worked out beautifully!

  5. Bits and pieces from here and there make a beautiful tag, Gail! Good on you!

  6. Fabulous tag and lovely colours.

  7. Lovely tag, makes me think of summer.

  8. great tag, with a lovely colour combo

  9. very pretty - love the pink with a hint of lime, one of my favourite colour combinations x

  10. Thanks for playing along at the Artistic Stamper this's a great image ;)
    xoxo Sioux


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