
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Pumpkins Everywhere

Hello.  Welcome.  A special hi to Michelle A who has joined our wandering band.  Gosh October.  Gosh, orange and purple and black everywhere.  Show us your Halloween thing.  Give us some Autumn colours.  You just got to love it.  Or maybe you don't?  Ah well.....  I love the colours at this time of year.  Green is very nice but Nature is going all out in a final flamboyance and it's just so gorgeous.  I've made an ATC using the most cutest and not at all scary monster.

This is Little Hoo Hoo from Stampotique.  I cut a black ATC, added some orange tape.  Is all tape Washi tape? or is washi a brand?  Like, all pumpkins are squash but not all squash are pumpkins.  I digress.  The BOO is Sizzix Phrase Boo cut from yellow foam.  I was going to make a stamp but when I lined it up it seemed to fit so.....   My monster is stamped in black on orange.

My Little Hoo Hoo is joining the fun at, gosh so many places he could join the fun,
Country View Challenge - Spooky
Craft-room Challenge - ATC
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Anything Goes
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes
Papirdokkene Utfordring 52 - Orange

Thanks for dropping by.  Stay close, fun and games start here uhhhh...Thursday, yep Thursday.  That's the plan.  Soon I will be One.........


  1. Thank you for sharing this fabulous creation at Craft-Room ATC Challenge, welcome again;-))m

  2. Adorable ATC, Gail! Love that image! And, I think Washi tape is the brand, but it is used commonly now to refer to most all tapes that we are using in artful projects--much like Kleenex is a brand, but we never say "facial tissue," do we? ;-)

  3. What an unusual image don't think I have seen this one before but it is fun. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  4. this is actually a pretty cute critter!! love your act, thanks for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge, Debi x

  5. Great ATC, very cute little critter.

    Sylv xx

  6. A fun ATC-great colour to chose

    Chrissie x

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your great ATC with us at Craft-Room...cute little critter though I'm a bit worried about what he plans to do with that even cuter owl !! Esther xx

  8. Great looking ATC! Thanks for playing with us at Papertake Weekly :)

  9. A brilliant ATC, thank you for sharing it with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. A fab, quirky ATC. Thank you for adding your sparkle to our challenge this month at Country View Challenges. Chris xxx


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