
Sunday 20 October 2013

Feeling a Bit Pumpkin

Hello.  Welcome.  No high art here this morning.  I think I've gone a little bit stranger than normal.  This is so not me but once I started I couldn't control myself.  So not clean.  Pretty simple though so one out of too ain't bad.  

What dat den?  I hear you cry.  It's inspired by Joanne, although you are forgiven for finding that difficult to believe!!  Anyway, Joanne did this nice thing with grunge paste through a die cut and I thought pumpkins.  So I cut a mask using a sizzix pumpkin die and filled it with texture paste.   I think mine has some plastic qualties cos when I hit it with the heat gun to hustle it along it got all bubbly.  Oooh, warty pumpkin.  Perfect.  Then I painted my pumpkin with Fresco Finish Butternut, of course!  Then I stamped a couple of vines from PA ELB04 using VersaMagic chalk ink.  It looked like it needed a bit more so a whole garden later.........

It's kind of growing on me.  No pun intended.  Definately not my usual style.  Possibly no ones usual style!  Loved the texture paste thru the diecut.  Definitely something to use again. 

Joining the fun at

Thanks for dropping by.  Candy available this week.  Just leave me some love.  If the above project doesn't appeal then we can always talk about the weather.  Or maybe you have grown pumpkins this year.  My biggest is 21kg.  Anyone beating that???


  1. When I saw the pic, I was curious as too how I inspired this LOL. But now I see. Love your pumpkin.

  2. It's not CAS anymore... but that's where your creativity took you! Love how the pumpkin looks with the bumps/warts.

  3. I know I can't do clean and simple at all!!! But like Craftyfield says you have to go where your creativity takes you. I love the pumpkin too! I think it looks organic! Julie Ann xx

  4. Great layers/colours Gail and I agree with the others..........we start out with an idea and then creativity takes over.

    Crafty Hugs

    Annie x

  5. Stepping outside of the box every now and then is good for the artistic soul, Gail, and your have done it successfully here. I think your pumpkin texture is a happy accident, as I (as an older person) have come to embrace "warts and all"! I love this! And the weather in Boston is very Fall-ish today! ;-)


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