
Friday 13 September 2013

Whose Driving that Neuron??

Good evening blog followers and friends.  Hope the week has been and the weekend will be better.  Do you ever get stuck?  Or think it maybe needs a bit more?  I've been working on a little something.  Over at PaperArtsy Alison Bomber has been sharing some ideas and I've been playing with some of the techniques.  

I started with a piece of PA heavy grey board #9 tag size.  I coloured the greyboard with PA Fresco Pea Coat and Inky Pool and then blended with some watered white.  I stamped the Time phrase from PA SIDD1 onto tissue using ColourBox Chalk Arctic Deep.  These are very juicy pads and I found the first impression bled but I could stamp two more times before re-inking and this gave a nice variation in the appearence of the type.  I stuck down a piece of the tissue and then went over the top with the watered down white again.  It was a bit wet so some of the tissue lifted and I thought that it was good so I distressed a bit more at the bottom and that hole.  

......and then the guy in charge of the brain cell says right take your Inky Pool and your Tando Ink Splats mask and your spatulaar, no really he says it like that, spatulaar,  and spread it over and then when you take off the mask you have a err... big.. blobby.. splat .. which actually has some nice feathery features and well, you can't take it off now so why not emboss and see and wow, look at those thick bits bubble, nice colour, nice ferny bits, look at that texture.  Now it needs a bit of balance.  

Really like the ferny effect.  I've used that with glass painting all you need is the paint and a couple of sheets of glass, in this case acrylic blocks.  Put em together, pull em apart and stamp, emboss, stamp, emboss.   OK.  You know I really liked that background.  It appears destined to be destroyed.  

I've added some more stamping from PA MN16.  Starting to think this may be a fall of Rome tag......

I decided I needed to distress the edge.  Don't try this at home!!  I forgot I was working on 2mm grey board instead of a card tag!  The brain cell obviously hasn't recovered from the earlier mistake with the paint.   Distressing the edge of grey board produces lots of fluffy dust which I am sure is not good for the lungs and it makes a mess.  If you decide to try I suggest outdoors and maybe a dust mask.  Also get hold of a dremel.  I used my trusty distressing tool, a craft knife, but it was a bit of work.  I liked the effect though.  I coloured the edge with VersaMagic Gingerbread and Jumbo Jave, ummm, coffee and cake....  Then I stamped the small bubble from SM12 in Gingerbread.  

I like it but maybe it needs a little something.  I have been looking at various little somethings for a while now and none seems to fit so I'm going to leave it as is for now.  I love the embossing on the fresco paints.  Excellent new technique.  Thanks Alison. 

UPDATE!  I had a dream!!  It involved long stamps but the final solution was not what I was expecting, but I like it.  And nothing at all to do with the fall of Rome!!  Please let me know if you prefer the before of after.  Using stamps from PA Bloom.

My tag is joining the fun at
Stampotique Designers Challenge 116 - Try a New Technique
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Embossed
Bunny Zoes Crafts - Something Blue
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Emboss It
Papirdokkene Utfordring 51 - Stempel 

Thanks for dropping by.  Have a great weekend.  Hope the sun is shinning for you. 


  1. ОЧЕНЬ интересно плучилось!!!

  2. I really like your tag, Gail, both the "before" and the "after." Let me back up to that...your end result is more the norm here, as we most always add an image and sentiment. I like the image here, and that sentiment really speaks to me, so I love that. However, the "before" is a piece of art, needing neither an image nor a sentiment. It can strongly stand on its own. I can appreciate both! Well done!

  3. Oh, what cute stamps! I love your background, amazing layers

  4. I am thinking along the same line as Kay above, the before I see as a contemporary piece of art on a wall, whilst the after would be perfect as a card front (dimensions allowing of course). Love your embossed splats/ferns!

  5. Beautiful! Love your background. Thank you for joining the Stampotique DC

  6. Hi, Gail!
    I really like your work. Please install the gadget "translation", and I can not only watch? but also to read

  7. Google translator is not very good, but better than nothing .. :-))

  8. Hi Deli-art, I have a button for google translate between my profile and my followers in my sidebar. It seems to work. You just need to select your language. Thanks for the visits and comments.

  9. Dear Kay and Craftyfield, thank you for your kind comments. I actually posted the 'art' last night and then because I wasn't confident it had merit on it's own I added those cute stamped images today. Thanks for giving me a confidence boost that the art was OK. As you say Kay an image and sentiment are usual. Sometimes it's difficult to do the unusual. I'm pleased with the final additions, they give the piece a purpose, but maybe in the future I will be more daring with my art.... Thanks and hugs

  10. Wow - very cool! I love your ferny embossed blobs... they look amazing, and the gorgeous contrast of the sepia bubbles and the coffee and cake distressed edging (well worth dusty lungs!).

    It is a sensational background, but I do love the results of your dream - again the torn edges with the contrasting colour look so cool against the background, and the image is so delightful.

    Thank you so much for joining in over at PA - and I'm so happy you had fun with the paint embossing!
    Alison xx

  11. What a cool tag Gail! Thanks for joining us at Stampotique. XOXO

  12. Ha, ha! I enjoyed this post so much! I don't know whether I enjoyed your witty writing more or this project more, but I guarantee that I was smiling the whole time! Part of my day job deals with medical stuff, so I got a kick out of all the brain references and loved how you admitted to making mistakes. Your project is stunning and I admire those who can create art and write well. Clearly you can do both! I am so glad you shared this with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  13. Brilliant embossing, love your fabulous tag.

    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge.


  14. Fabulous background colours combination and bird is so cute!


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