
Thursday 19 September 2013


Hello and welcome.  I am having a crafty and inspired week.  Hope the mojo is visiting with you as well.  I think maybe the Autumn is keeping folk indoors.  There's so much great craft out there.  I'm spending a lot of time checking it out.  Great challenges, great hops, great challengees.  Is that a word?  What is the word for those of us partaking in the challenges??  Cos you are wowing me with your awesomeness.  There aren't enough hours in the day to check it all out and comment but I hope you have caught a bit of love from me.  If not, I should complain to the management.  Oh, I suppose that's me.  A DT of one.  I am my own DT.  Wow, that's something to think about.  Anyway, with all the crafty greatness happening I am so glad you have taken time to visit and if you also have time to leave a little love you will brighten my day.  Thanks. 

To PaperArtsy we shall go where this week Joanne Wardle has been showing off her CAS style.  I think it might have been a bit of a shock after all the paint and layers we are used to over at PaperArtsy but between you, me and craftimamma it's not as easy as it looks.  Anyway, I'm inspired to try Joanne's third project and make some little sweety bags for the trick or treaters.  

I started by stamping these three party animals from PA USFD3 many times onto white card.  Then I added a splash of Limelight. 

I made a stamped background as per Joanne's instructions.  Loved the tip to start with the big stamps and then fill in with the little ones.  It's faster than trying to patchwork as you go along.  All PaperArtsy stamps from ASI2, LPC001, USNT4, and SM12.  I love this.  It's fab.  Then, woe is me, it went a bit wrong. 

Yep, it's really obvious isn't it and shows me to be a Fresco Finish Paints novice.  I started with the lovely translucent Limelight.  Wonderful.  Then I went Pansy!!  Great colour but opaque!  Just like it says on the tin.  Oh, parsnip, or words to that effect.  Reach for the Inky Pool cos you know that's translucent.  And ignore the mistake and move on, cos we know it won't matter to the finished project but for those who prefer wisdom to experience, check the label.  It clearly says and shows the opacity of these lovely paints.  Take a tip from me.  It does what it says on the label......

So I followed instructions, cut everything up, glued everything together, filled my little baggies with sweeties and wow.  Great, they stand up all by themselves.  As Joanne said, great party favours. 

A view from the side

A close up of some lovely background stamping.  That ugly streak is safely glued where it won't be seen

What happy chappies they are. 

Joining the fun at
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Something Simon

Thanks for dropping by.  Soon the weekend. 


  1. this is so fun!!! those "Mariachis" are awesome...I did not get very well are these stamps? or digis? I love mexican stuff too so I am interested...very nice projects
    your trick or treaters will love the bags filled with candies

  2. Fabulous! It's great job.
    ”Trick or Treat” I want one!
    There is no custom of Halloween in Japan.
    It feels to much fun.

  3. Hi Bibiana, thanks for supplying the proper name for my happy chappies. They are a stamp. Part of PaperArtsy Urban Snapshots USFD3 set. Very fun guys.

  4. brilliant. I love that you took on the sweeitie packet challenge! I'm so glad to have inspred these, but love your different take. thanks for taking part.

  5. Etsuko, thanks. Maybe we could swap cos I loved your card.

  6. The Mexicans/mariachis are really fun, looks like you enjoyed yourself despite the paint mix-up!

  7. Those little pouches are so neat! Very nice projects! Thanks so much for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp STAMPtember® Challenge!

  8. These are just great !
    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge this week and happy hopping !

    Jo x

  9. Totally love the "swooshes" of random color across you images, Gail. I just know you had fun creating! ;-)

  10. Fabulous favours, love the stamped background paper made into the sweety bags, a very clever project.

    Sylv xx


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