
Sunday 25 August 2013

Old Photographs

Hi everyone.  So glad you could join me.  If you are expecting to be going down memory lane with me then you may be a little disappointed.  I have been playing with a technique that Carol Quance has been sharing over at the PaperArtsy blog and it reminded me of negative images, hence my misleading title.  But then again my titles are always a little quirky so maybe you weren't expecting anything but great art.  ROFL.  Ah, midnight humor strikes again.....

OK, so you have got to try this.  I have spent so long tweeking my photo's trying to get the true intensity of the colours I have totally missed a deadline over at Cheery Lynn.  Ah well, today is a new day.  All things are possible.  Carol has been stamping on black with the PaperArtsy fresco finish paints.  Now I resisted buying these for a while because I already had lots of different paints.  Duh, how stupid am I?  OK, maybe not stupid.  Maybe just weighing the purse against the existing stash.  These are really as great as everyone says and you really need to get these if you aren't already in the know. 

I just can't get the colours as wow as they are in the real but I hope you get the idea.  I have used my most favourite Modern Girl from the PaperArtsy LPC022 set.  Top left I started with fresco Pansy and Limelight.  Moved on to Inky Pool and Pansy then reversed them just to see.  Then introduced some Pea Coat.  The Pansy looks quite white in the photo's but it's the best I could do.  I applied my paint using a finger dauber.  I mention this because I had enough paint out for one more image which I stamped on a new black sheet.  Then I decided to clean the dauber on the sheet, rather than wash it which I usually do......

Look at all that paint!!  I could have washed it away and wasted it.  Instead I have a fabby background.  Very pleased with self.  OK, itching to do something with these fab images I have but what.......

Carol was using flowers and was putting them on a pale background.  At this point the Cheery Lynn challenge, the one I just missed, put in an idea.  I was supposed to be using doilies so I thought lets see where that takes me.  So I got this....

I've used an English Tea Party doily cut from mauve card which I then daubed with fresco Pansy.  Then I did some white dots with my galaxy marker.  I've mounted it on my happy accident background and added some faux stitching.  Then I mounted one of my images in the middle.  Then I decided I didn't like the faux stitches!!  Exasperated hands in the air.  Nothing for it, it must go!  So I ripped it off.   Gasp, horror.....

It's better I think.  I like the ragged black edge.  Good contrast.  See, totally different colours to the one above.  It's the same honest.  I photographed on a white background.  Obviously need some lessons in digi manipulation.  Who's got time for that!!  Had another idea.  Something profound I said earlier but it's late, or maybe early and I might not have time to take another shot at this later so I'm going to link it in to the fun at

Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge - Carnival because I think it's wild and fun colours.  Also PaperArtsy fans should check out this link cos Suzz made a masterboard using fresco paints and it's fab.  

Thanks for dropping by.  Good night, God bless, may sweet dreams and inspiration find you. 


  1. Love your clean up background Gail :)
    Von ☺

  2. Great background and images, just love the colours against the black.

    Sylv xx

  3. Wow it looks like you have invented a hibiscus background technique! Looks amazing!

  4. OK, I will admit that these paints are giving a lot of pop and pizzazz for the buck!! Love them against the black paper, Gail! Great post!

  5. This is beautiful! I think you have convinced me I NEED those Fresco paints. . .

  6. Love how you've stamped with the paints Gail they came out brilliant!! one of my favorite stamps too :D

  7. Well thank you very much for mentioning me in your post. ;) I love the rich pop of color against the dark background. Beautiful! Gorgeous inspiration here. Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday challenge.

  8. Gorgeous effects Gail! I love your daubered background!
    Alison xx

  9. GREAT great technique. Very fun cards. thanks for sharing


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