
Sunday 14 July 2013

Quill, Ink and Pocket Watch

Good morning blog friends.  This is the post I thought I might get done yesterday but Say La Doo Da as usual things got busy.   Working on the PaperArtsy Challenge where this week France has been sharing her techniques.  I decided to work on a tissue tag which she cut up and sewed back together.  Why?  I don't know.  I think it's all part of the art.  I though it's a bit like patchwork lets give it a go.....

I decided I wanted a large tag so I cut a piece of card and coloured my tissue and stuck it down.  Then overpainted and knocked the colour back with a baby wipe.  Great technique.  It exposed some of the underlying colour but also added some shading to the top colour.  Then I used Tando Ink Splatters mask and a couple of shades of blue and tried the bump technique.  I still don't quite got that but it looked OK.  Not on this photo in case you are squinting to see it........

I brayered my stamps from LPCoo1 and SIDD5 with white acrylic, cut up my tag and sewed it back together.  I like the stitch detail, and the sewing machine played along!!  Wonders never cease.  I'm not sure I would actually go to the bother of cutting it up next time but I will definitely use stitching again.  It all in the spirit of live and learn....   I pinned two tickets onto my tag using staples and then added a pocket watch I had painted as per Tim for a Timmy Tag that never was.  I decided I wanted a chain and since it was quite long used it as the tag tie as well. 

Joining the fun at
Simon Says Stamp Challenge - Pin it

Have a great Sunday everyone.  Hope you get to do something you really enjoy.  Thanks for droppping by


  1. You cut-up your tag!!! You're braver than me... Love the verdigris effect on the watch.

  2. Craftyfield you crack me up!!! Thanks for the laugh. I think it could have done without the scissor step actually but we must sometimes go where saner people fear to tread. Say La Doo Da really loud.......

  3. Absolutely fun project, Gail. My hat is off both to France and to your for this one! (I am still struggling with it!)

  4. Great background colour and detail on this fabulous tag. Glad the sewing machine was in a good mood, love the sewn back together bit.

    Sylv xx

  5. Great tag, great texture and I love the clock! Thanks for playing along with us and joining the PIN IT Challenge over on the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog this week!


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