
Saturday 11 May 2013

Welcome to the New Century

Hello hello Nomad followers and friends.  A special welcome to my new followers who have joined our merry band.   Gosh, this is a bit of a milestone because this is my 100th post!  It is not so long ago I was contemplating venturing out into blogland.  100 already!  Amazing.  Thank you all for your support, kind comments and inspiration. 

This is my post for The Craft Barn Alpha Challenge and we are on the letter A.  For those of you who are unaware of this fabulous challenge we are doing a letter every fortnight for the whole year based on a dictionary, although we aren't all altering a book.  The letters aren't coming in order, just to keep it interesting.  It's nice to see that the number of entries remains high.  I am visiting and commenting on as many fellow Challegees as I can but there just never seems enough hours in the day.   I know comments are important as they are so helpful and encouraging and I really appreciate the time you take to visit, read and comment on my ramblings.    For me A is for Albatross

I have used a 15cm square piece of My Minds Eye cardstock.  I liberally covered it with DI Salty Ocean and spritzed with water.  And spritzed, and spritzed, and spritzed and.......   Wow, that paper just sucks up the moisture.   But no movement with the DI, so I used some VersaMagic chalk ink in Aegean Blue and Ocean Depth to give some shades of blue.  I was going to have my albatross flying over the ocean, like they do, so I used my embossing ink pen to make some squiggles and added WOW white puff embossing powder, but as already said this paper is super absorbent and the ink dried so fast as to be useless.  So it's albatross in the sky.  The bird is a photocopy.  I intended to cut him out of nice white paper and colour his feet and beak with a little pink and shade the feathers but when I had cut this out and placed him against the background to check the size I actually really liked the grainy colour effect.  He does seem to stand out from the paper a bit so I went with it.  Added the definition and my die cut letters and another page is done. 

These are turning into quite simple pages because I set myself so many limits at the start.  Never mind, I have started so I will finish.  It can't all be high art I suppose.  We do try now and again.  Planning to publish a photo of the pages so far soon, as Elaine did a few weeks ago.

Entering this for
The Craft Barn Alpha Challenge

Thanks for dropping by.  Have a great weekend. 


  1. Your efforts have been rewarded on this wonderful piece - I love the sky you created, it looks so realistic and the albatross is stunning against the sky. Well done on your 100th post too, a great achievement! Hugs, Anne x

  2. Another great page, the albatross looks wonderful soaring high in the sky.

    Sylv xx

  3. Congratulations! Love the albatross and that lovely blue sky!x

  4. I think part of the fun of these challenges is we try new things mostly because they don't work they way we first thought and improvising leads to new techniques but also courage in just trying out stuff. I like your page and think it gives the impression of the albatrosses huge wing span.Great job.Congrats on 100 posts and being brave enough to start a blog - I'm not there yet but this challenge has made me get a Facebook and Google account and join Pinterest (not done much there yet) so again well done.

  5. Great page I think the albatross shows of its wing span beautifully on your page.By trying new things out you have something fabulous.Congrats on 100 blog posts.

  6. Oh I do like this!
    Congratulations on 100 :)

  7. What a lovely word choice. Congratulations on your 100th post.


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