
Saturday 27 April 2013

Boing, Boing, Boing

Hello and a happy Saturday to you all.  The end of the month is fast upon us and I still have a mountain of unfinished projects that I want to submit to various challenges.    Just trying to keep ahead of the deadlines.  Over at The Craft Barn Alpha Challenge this fortnight it's W with circles in the background.  That's a bit of a tricky one in Norwegian because they tend to use V instead of W.  Or H, which is even less help.  So I decided to go to parts foreign, in this case Australlia, and check out the wallabys.  Then whilst researching, this is a very edumacational challenge, I found Wallaroos!!  Smaller than Kangers, larger than Wallies.  Yeah, but lets go with Wallaby......

I picked one of my favourite My Minds Eye cardstocks, love these dotty circles.   Then I took a foam rubber circle that came on a boozy gift box and some white acrylic and stamped madly and badly.

I stamped with a small wallaby stamp I had all over the sheet, added a wallaby printed off the computer, the definition and my W's. 

Entering this for
The Craft Barn Alpha Challenge - W

Have a great weekend everyone.  Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Very good word to use! The color red is fabulous with the white circles and then the little blue circles. Fun page. I really love doing this.

  2. Love your wallaby page, the backing paper puts me in mind of aboriginal art.

    Sylv xx

  3. I really like your circle stamping and the wallaby himself is lovely. I think you have made a great entry. Hugs, Anne x

  4. Such a fun "alpha" page, Gail! And, I learned something!

  5. What a fun page and something I didn't know!

  6. Cool Wallabys and bouncy page. BJ

  7. Great page !!!
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn


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