
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hello Mother

Hello Nomad followers and friends.  A special welcome to my new follower Kay.  Glad you could join our merry band.  I was surfing today and came across something I thought was curious.  I was on a site of someone who was obviously religious and they had quote of the day from the bible.  You know the sort of thing I mean.  But at the end there was a copywrite.  Now, what does that apply to?  I thought the bible was too old to be subject to copywrite.  Or if you republish and change a few words does that make it yours?  The word according to.....    Or maybe it was just regarding the way the quote of the day was generated.  An app copywrite maybe.  Not meaning to offend anyone.  I am all for giving credit where credit is due but sometimes I see sentiments accredited to people and think is he/she the only one who ever said that?  Does it give it more weight because someone has claimed it, or had it claimed for them by others?   My nan has some pretty good sayings.  Maybe I'll get the chance to use some of those one day and write 'my nan' underneath. 

Oh, enough with the ramblings, on to seriouser matters.  The sun is shining and spring is imminent and the garden draws me forth but I did need to get a card together for my Mother.  She is not really a cat person, at least not as far as I know, but this decoupage from Joanna Sheen is so cute and love is coming by post so I thought it was appropriate. 

Love these little tea cup kitty's.  The eyes are so intense.  I kept this quite simple but I wanted it bright so apart from the decoupage I used a piece of Søstrene Grene butterfly paper for the background and a piece of Basic Grey laser cut doilies.  This was a little too pale pink so I liberally dabbed with Dew Drop Brilliance Rocket Red Gold.  

 Too cute.  

Entering this for 
Joanna Sheen Challenge - Layer it up
Basic Grey Challenge 88 - Anything Goes (Basic Grey Laser Cut Paper Doilies used behind the cat)
Papertake Weekly - Anything Goes
That Craft Place - Anything Goes 

Thanks for dropping by.  Hoping you are having a crafty week.  

To My Followers:  I promised I would do a little draw when the Mad Hares Danced for those of you who posted a comment on my Looking Into the Love Boat Post.  Not many takers but I do sincerely appreciate your support and I have a name from the eligible and it's Ardyth Percy-Robb.   Let me know your snail mail address by the end of the month and I will send out the Crafty Individuals Birdcage Mask to you.  Hope you enjoy it.  Email me at craftynomad at gmail dot com.    


  1. lovely card for your mum, my neighbour's cat looks just like this fluffy with the intense green eyes, love the backing paper with those colourfull butterflies.

  2. Thanks for the welcome, Gail! Glad to be here among like-minded crafters! Since I love cats and anything to do with a tea (or coffee for me) cup, I love your card *twice* as much! You did succeed in keeping your card bright, and your mother will be cheered by it! Good luck in those challenges! In my book, this is a winner! Kay

  3. Love your card, very cute ! Could you please let me know which Basic Grey product you used on your card to be eligible to win our prize ?

    Thank you for joining us at BasicGrey Challenges this week



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