
Thursday 21 February 2013

Scrapping my Dictionary!

Hi blog friends.  Another lovely sunny day, but cold.  Brrrrr.  It didn't get much over 0°C and as soon as the sun went behind the mountains the temperature dropped fast.  I realise you are viewing this from your own part of the globe and it may be warmer/colder where you are but quite honestly I am ready for spring.  Actually found a clump of snowdrops in flower in a sheltered spot.  How do they do that??  The ground is frozen solid, has been for months, but they have pushed through and even decided to bloom!!   Plants are amazing.

Blogging my latest addition to to The Alpha Challenge over at the Craft Barn.  This week we are on H.  Until a couple of hours ago I was firmly convinced that H is for Horse/Hest.  Then, despite a helpful drawing supplied by my man, I realised I didn't have anything horsey that wanted to cooperate with my format.  Then I tried H is for hamster.  I am sure they are hamsters in Norwegian as well!  Nope.  Uh, uh, uh........

How silly I am.  Of course.  H is for hen/høns.  Oops, bit of digisquawk for the non-Scandanavian keyboards.   Using one of those funny letters.  Once decided I just had to pick a good photo and chicken to the rescue.....

 Meet one of the first hens I ever had.  This is Mrs Greengrass (don't ask, the names my chickens get are often strange but the reason is usually so mundane as to be boring).  I remember taking this photo and as I was focusing she was getting closer and closer.  They are such curious things.  So I have clipped her out and mounted her on 15 x 15cm My Minds Eye cardstock with a circle cut from a piece of IKEA fabric.  Definition from Wikipeadia, letters cut using Ida Lou's Flowerbox Sizzix alphabet dies.

She was a bit of a star that hen.  If you have ever kept hens you probably understand.  If you have never kept hens then you are missing out. 

Anyway, that's it for tonight.  Have a good one and keep warm and safe. 

This is for The Alpha Challenge


  1. Love your page and choice!
    We had chickens for a few years - never nmaed them - they were a peckish group!
    My mom's family came from Trondheim - never been but would love to.

  2. Mrs Greengrass looks quite a character, love the composition of your page especially the use of the Ikea fabric. Another great page.

  3. Love your bright page and great photo of your Hen!!

  4. Love this page

    Best wishe Chrissie xx

  5. Great page! I love your photo!

  6. Mrs Greengrass jumps out at you from your page. Love it!

  7. Nice choice of word and your hen looks so cute.

  8. Lovely Hen page of Mrs Greengrass what a brilliant name!


  9. Gorgeous page - love that hen and the beautiful ikea fabric!

  10. What a fabulous hen,love your page


  11. Mrs. Greengrass is lovely and your page for too.

  12. Lol, that's funny.
    Great page
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn


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