
Sunday 27 January 2013

Sweethearts get Married

Good afternoon blog friends.  I hope that you are keeping warm and having a good weekend.  Just a little sprinkle of snow on the ground here but it's windy and sleaty outside so I am having a cosy afternoon with a few projects that have I have been thinking about.  

Over at the Cheery Lynn Challenge blog they are looking for Sweethearts.  Over at Craft Creations it's Love.  I started with an idea and ended up with something totally different.  Say la doo da.  You know we buy all these lovely papers and they get used as background but sometimes there's something that just needs to be the main event.  I'm not so good with drawing and colouring.  I don't have the copics and promarkers which seem to be in nearly everyones stock and would be unsure how to use them if I had them.  I see such lovely images stamped and coloured but that isn't me.  Maybe one day.  Sometimes you put a couple of elements together and they just ...... fit.  Like sweethearts.  Like marshmallows and hot chocolate.

There's a shop in Norway called Nille.  It's a bit like Woolworths without the music department.  They sell householdy things and have a small craft section where they have packs of reasonably priced and very pretty 12 x 12 papers.  They aren't branded so I don't know who makes them but I bought a beautiful pack of wedding papers which included this couple of sweethearts.......

I had been playing with Cheery Lynn's Spring Flower Burst Doily with Angel Wing, pink Kaskad card and some pretty patterned paper from Craftworkcards.  I was pleased with the contrast on the doily and when I fancy cut the bride and groom they seemed perfect.  In fact I decided in this case less is more so the only addition I made was to add some tiny hearts in red to her dress and glossy accent them.  The hearts were cut using Cheery Lynn Snowflake #2, the bits you usually throw away!  Then I couldn't decide what shape card I wanted my sweethearts to be on.  I tried a few and decided it would be fun if they were free-standing.  After playing about a bit with the angel wing, a few attempts returned to the bits box for recycling, success.   I have cut the card from Pink Hammered Card from Craft Creations. 

Here's what the card bit looked like part way through cutting.....

and after cutting.....

I left the front of the card extended to strengthen her dress and cut the back straight down, looks a bit like a tree, to minimise how much shows when the card is standing.  I stuck on the doily and couple and did a final trim round her dress.

Isn't that doily die cut fabulous.  I thought it looked a bit like an explosion of flowers or fireworks around the happy couple.  Making the shaped card was a bit fiddly but I am quite pleased with the final project.  It was fun not to be working on a square or a rectangle and nice to have a bit of an extra challenge cutting the custom shape.  Now all I need is a wedding........

Entering this for
Cheery Lynn Designs Challenge 64 - Sweethearts
Dies to Die For - Anything Goes
Craft Creations Card Challenge January - Love

Have a wonderful evening.  Keep warm and cosy and thanks for dropping by.


  1. OMG, I don’t know what to say other than WOW. I love it when a card is made in a different shape and you even gave a little tutorial for everyone. Well done. Thank you very much for joining us this week at Cheery Lynn Designs.

  2. Lovely wedding card, that die is very pretty.

  3. Hi sweetie this is a fabulous creation, thank you for joining us at Dies to die for challenge this month, huggles Pops x x x


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